Red Light Therapy for LONGEVITY
FDA approved treatment for wrinkles - Elizabeth's favorite.
Service Description
As we age, our skin loses firmness and elasticity because we produce less collagen, hyaluronic acid and other plumping aspects of our skin. Because of DNA damage from sun and pollution there is also a reduction of energy and our skin loses its capability to bounce back each time it's been assaulted. The net result is loose skin and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Red light therapy powers up the cells to release Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) WHICH increases cell metabolism and cell regeneration. The release of cellular energy allows the skin to activate the power of nutrients, oxygen, detoxification, growth, and repair. Red light therapy also stimulates blood circulation and angiogenesis (the development of new tiny capillaries that feed the skin). This means more nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the skin resulting in a renewed radiance. Red Light Therapy gives you that instant glow that allows skin to look healthy and younger. Red Light Therapy also increases lymphatic system activity to reduce puffiness and swelling. Because of the increased blood circulation, the lymphatic system does a better job of removing excess fluids and wastes from skin tissues. This effect is instantaneous and can be noticed after the first and succeeding treatments. For optimal results a series of 10 treatments is recommended, done 2-4 x's a week. You can follow this up with monthly skin therapy which includes a maintenance dose of Red LED.
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